
Military Police Unit Solution

Innovation / High-efficiency / Sincerity

Military Police Unit--WarehouseEnvironmentMonitoringSolution

In the military policeunits, the main application scenarios of the environmental monitoring system are the ammunition warehouse and the material&equipment warehouse. Due to the confidentiality of the military police units and the sensitivity of materials and equipment, requirementsfor the warehouse environment is muchstricter.Consequently a monitoring system that can monitor and manage the warehouse environment in real time isvery important.

Military police units have network security requirements, so monitoring should be carried out on the internal network.

There is confidentiality requirementforthe military police warehouse,thus the requirement for anti-theft, fire prevention and explosion protection is higher.

Due to the importance and sensitivity of materials and equipment, the requirement for the warehouse environment ishigher.

Solution Introduction

Thewarehouse environment monitoring solution, which is introduced by Sunwe for the military police units, consists of EMVIEW network monitoring platform, EMS series environment monitoring host and sensors. It supportsthe unified supervision of all levels of warehouse environment through the monitoring center in the local area network.Meanwhile, the system monitors the monitoring parameters such as environment, power, security, video, fire control, etc. in the warehouse. In case of abnormal conditions, the system will automatically issue an alarm to notify relevant personnel to check the malfunctionpromptly.

Characteristics of the solution

No need forexternal network

Apply internal LAN to realize unified supervision of monitoring center, which can effectively avoid external network attack.

Stable performance

Adapt to harsh working conditions.

Integrated centralized monitoring

Unified monitoringand management for environment, power, security, fire protection, network,etc.

Diversified alarm mode

Support diversified alarm mode. Timely and no missing alarm. Coordinate with personalized working habits.

Beautiful interface

The platform interface is simple and beautiful. The monitoring data is clear at a glance.


The system supports hot-standby. Data is continuouslytransmitted even the network is disconnected.A double security is ensured.

Value for The Customers

Centralized monitoring in the internal network effectively ensure that materials and equipment are in a safe and constant warehouse environment.

24-hour continuous all-around monitoring, ensuring that warehouse personnel and materials can be checked in and out.The safety of materials and equipment is guaranteed.

The system is stable, safeand easy to use. Even in harsh working environments, such as caves,it can still worknormally.

Project Cases

Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force Command

Fujian Quanzhou Fire Fighting Police Detachment

Army Aviation Simulation Training CenterofChinese People's Liberation Army

Hebei Province Armed Police The Second Corps

Armed Police Headquarters of Chinese People's Liberation Army

Henan Province Armed Police The Sixth Detachment

Chinese People's Liberation Army Information Engineering University

Heilongjiang Province Armed Police The Third Detachment

Chinese People's Liberation Army Equipment Command College

Heilongjiang Province Armed Police TheFirst Detachment

General Staff Aviation AdministrationofChinese People's Liberation Army

Heilongjiang Province Armed Police TheFirst Corps

Army Command Academyof Chinese People's Liberation Army

Hubei Province Armed Police Technology School

North Sea Fleet

Hunan ProvinceHaikou CityArmed Police The Ninth Detachment

FujianProvinceJinjiang CityTraffic Police

Hunan ProvinceChangsha CityArmed PoliceThe 11thDetachment

Fujian Province Xiamen City Guard Area

Liaoning Province Armed Police TheForth Detachment

Fujian Province Xiamen City Traffic Police Detachment

NeimengguProvince Armed Police TheSecond Detachment

Hebei Province HandanCity Traffic Police Brigade

NingxiaArmed PoliceCorps

Nanjing Military Region Joint Service Department

ShandongProvince Armed Police The7th Detachment

Neimenggu Border Troops

ShanxiProvinceArmed PoliceCorps

Shandong ProvinceJining CityTraffic Police Detachment

ShanxiProvince Armed Police The5th Detachment

Shandong ProvincePublic Security Department Fire Protection Brigade

Shanghai Armed PoliceThe First Detachment

Shandong ProvinceJinanMilitary Region

ShanghaiArmed PoliceCorps

Shandong ProvinceLinqinTraffic Police

Sichuan ProvinceChengduCity Armed Police FireProtection Corps

Armed Police Engineering College

Sichuan ProvinceArmed PoliceThe ThirdCorps

Armed Police Geology Research Institute

Sichuan ProvinceArmed PoliceDetachment

Armed Police Academy

Tianjin Armed PoliceCorps

Armed PoliceHydropowerThe EighthDetachment

XinjiangProvinceArmed Police The EighthDetachment

Armed PoliceHydropowerThe Sixth DetachmentJimeiBranch

YunnanProvinceArmed Police The Tenth Detachment

Armed PoliceHydropowerCorps

Version by Sunwe Technology Co.,LTD. 

No.# MIN.ICP.BEI.06013466-1